Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Baitiy

Mendidik Generasi Qur'ani untuk Masa Depan

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Membangun Generasi Qur'ani Unggul

Kami adalah yayasan yang mengelola pondok pesantren tahfidz untuk jenjang SMP, berkomitmen mencetak generasi yang mencintai Al-Qur'an dan memiliki akhlak yang baik.

Visi Kami
Misi Kami

Dengan pendidikan yang berkualitas, kami berusaha memberikan lingkungan yang mendukung bagi santri untuk tumbuh dan berkembang dalam iman serta ilmu pengetahuan.

Layanan Kami

Menyediakan pendidikan tahfidz untuk jenjang SMP di pondok pesantren kami.

Pendidikan Tahfidz

Menawarkan program belajar Al-Qur'an dan hafalan yang berkualitas untuk siswa SMP.

Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler

Mendukung pengembangan diri santri melalui berbagai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang bermanfaat.

Three books are displayed against a light green background, with two partly facing up and exhibiting colorful covers. The book titled 'Aku Muslim tapi Belum Shalat' has a light blue cover featuring an illustration of a mosque and green hills, accompanied by Islamic-themed text. Another book is titled 'Tata Cara Shalat Menurut Sunnah Nabi' with a white cover and gold and brown text. The third book is shown from the back, featuring a photograph of a man and text describing the content.
Three books are displayed against a light green background, with two partly facing up and exhibiting colorful covers. The book titled 'Aku Muslim tapi Belum Shalat' has a light blue cover featuring an illustration of a mosque and green hills, accompanied by Islamic-themed text. Another book is titled 'Tata Cara Shalat Menurut Sunnah Nabi' with a white cover and gold and brown text. The third book is shown from the back, featuring a photograph of a man and text describing the content.

Galeri Kegiatan

Lihat momen berharga di pondok pesantren tahfidz kami.

A group of children sit attentively on a carpet in a mosque, listening to a man standing before them. The architecture features high arched ceilings and ornate designs. The children are wearing colorful clothing, some with headscarves or masks.
A group of children sit attentively on a carpet in a mosque, listening to a man standing before them. The architecture features high arched ceilings and ornate designs. The children are wearing colorful clothing, some with headscarves or masks.
A person holds a book titled 'Syarah Rinci Rukun Iman' with a purple cover and gold lettering. The background is an indoor space with bright lighting and a polished floor, possibly a minimalist room or hall.
A person holds a book titled 'Syarah Rinci Rukun Iman' with a purple cover and gold lettering. The background is an indoor space with bright lighting and a polished floor, possibly a minimalist room or hall.
A large, green university building with multiple stories, featuring the sign 'Fakultas Tarbiyah' above the entrance. People are gathered on the steps in front of the building, some sitting while others stand. The scene is framed by small palm trees and stone steps leading up to the entrance.
A large, green university building with multiple stories, featuring the sign 'Fakultas Tarbiyah' above the entrance. People are gathered on the steps in front of the building, some sitting while others stand. The scene is framed by small palm trees and stone steps leading up to the entrance.

Pondok pesantren tahfidz ini sangat membantu anak-anak dalam menghafal Al-Qur'an dengan metode yang menyenangkan dan efektif. Sangat direkomendasikan untuk pendidikan spiritual.

Ahmad Rizky

A group of young individuals dressed in white outfits, with two holding books titled 'Detik Detik' which partially cover their faces. They are standing outdoors, possibly in a garden or courtyard, with greenery and a few buildings in the background.
A group of young individuals dressed in white outfits, with two holding books titled 'Detik Detik' which partially cover their faces. They are standing outdoors, possibly in a garden or courtyard, with greenery and a few buildings in the background.
